Frequently Asked Questions

  • Zoetic comes from the Greek word zōē, which means that which is of or pertaining to life. As Zoetic teas are Organic & Fairtrade certified, we feel they encompass that meaning completely. Organic means they respect the living environment, and Fairtrade means that the tea respects the workers and communities involved in tea production.

  • Just look for the mark on our packaging, which contains our certification numbers. These certifications are renewed on a periodic basis via annual audits conducted by the respective authorities. Further, each of our suppliers in the supply chain, be it the tea garden or packaging facility, must be certified, and they are also audited on an annual basis. We keep records of such audits and ensure our entire supply chain is on top of their obligations as signatories of these standards.

    See our certifications link to learn more.

  • Why of course! We use a staple free unbleached tea bag, that has a string that ties the tea tag and the tea bag together. It is really quite a clever trick! Take a closer look at your tea bag to see this modern wonder.

    Please note our envelopes are a paper and plastic composite, but we are working on procuring a plastic free envelope very soon.

  • You can certainly compost our tea bags. If you are home composting, please remove the tag and recycle that. The cotton string, along with the tea bag, can be put in the compost, although the string will take a touch longer to break down. If you are using a food waste collection service from your council, simply toss the whole tea bag into that respective bin. Do note our envelopes are not compostable…yet. This is a work in progress.

  • We use 100% pekoe fannings grade tea for our tea bag products, and a mixture of broken and whole leaf tea for our loose leaf bags.

    Most tea bag manufacturers use a combination of fannings and dust grade, known as PFPD. We use a higher PF grading that allows the cup to give a fuller taste and avoid the bitter aftertaste.

  • Quality of a cup of tea can come from a range of factors. Firstly, it is the leaf size when comparing the same origin of tea. Secondly, it is the freshness of the product, and how well it has been packaged to seal it away from moisture. Thirdly, it is the region of tea and their various taste and quality profiles, although this can be somewhat subjective. And finally, the Organic certification of a product does have a positive impact on the quality of the cuppa. On all factors above, we come out in front. We source a higher grading of tea, from premium tea growing regions, that are all Organic certified. But you should be the judge of that!

  • We people are tea lovers just like you. We are a family owned business based in Melbourne, Australia that is passionate about the taste and quality of our products. What started off from a phone conversation between a mother and son, grew into an exciting business idea to what it is today; a business focused on the values of sustainability, quality and consistency in our product.

  • Tea is a seasonal product that varies in taste profile every season. We source from different gardens every tea buying season, and blend those teas to our already established quality profiles. We then send that tea to our contract manufacturers who pack that lovely tea in our packaging. We then import and bring that tea to you. So yeah, TLDR we do not own tea gardens…we just buy the tea!